Kate Fletcher, author of Sustainable Fashion and Textiles, has explained the urge to shift towards a more sustainable fashion industry. The word was coined by him followed by the slow food movement that was a huge hit in the Food industry. The main characteristic feature of slow fashion is that it is not produced in bulk (no mass production). It is also done with an emphasis on the skills of the craftsman who works inducing soul into their products. The products are locally sourced and made for customers. Since products are taken from nature, made in hand, quality checked at every step makes the product high-priced.
Slow fashion is ethical and serves as a bond between raw materials, the labour force, and the environment. The classic designs and traditional methods of making fabric and clothing is part of slow fashion. Slow movement or slow fashion is not seasonal. It does not work like a trend. But takes time in preparation and production, and has a purpose with intension. This holistic approach considers the complete Life Cycle of the product. Slow fashion products are not products with a short life span. They are sustainable and targeted to serve for a long period. They are often available in small stores and not by large enterprise and has limited collections every year.
Ethical Fashion is a popular term in slow fashion. This is associated with animal and human rights. Working conditions, fair wages, child labour, animal testing are some of the parameters to be analysed in ethical fashion. Eco-fashion is another concept which is lasting fashion are some of the terms commonly associated with the topic.
Process of slow fashion
It begins with designing. This is done with sustainability, ecological concerns, green thoughts defined and raw materials sourced based on this objective. The second step of the production process in which quality of labour life, fair wages, and quality of life maintained. Education on the quality, insisting on recycling and reuse. Slow fashion is expressed as a philosophy through which a consumer is questioned on how we buy, wear, and care for the clothes one buys. It is not a trend drive but based on environmental and ethical concerns. The procedures are transparent and the consumers know who made the clothes, how it is paid if the labour has been paid right. The products from slow fashion give a sense of belongingness and nativity. The aura can be seen around the person. A soul inside the fabric can be felt which is the energy, love, craftsmanship of the designer. Slow fashion usually involves 3 thoughtful steps:
• Design: Sustainable sources, ecological and ethical practice
• Production: Quality and craftsmanship
• Consumption: Longevity, sustainable investments
The bottom line is: Slow fashion is designing garments with quality and longevity. It motivates slow production, good wages for the workers, zero wastage and low carbon footprints. Creating awareness about the craftsmanship in the product and transparency in the method of manufacturing slow fashion is the story of a well-made garment. The paper has provided information about fast and slow fashion so that one can make sustainable alternatives before it is too late.